When you are using security software to protect your documents you are usually offered several encryption algorithms. Make sure you are using public algorithms considered to be strong encryption algorithms.
Encryption has been used to protect communications since ancient times, but only organizations and individuals with extraordinary need for confidentiality had mastered this science and with the computing power available today developed modern cryptographic system considered to be "strong encryption" algorithms.
Strong encryption software use strong encryption algorithms.
east-tec SafeBit is a strong encryption software because it uses AES - Rijndael as the main encryption algorithm (adopted as an encryption standard by the U.S. government). AES is a strong encryption algorithm with a fixed block size of 128 bits and a key size of 128, 192 or 256 bits. east-tec SafeBit uses a 256-bit key.
Strong encryption software gives you the insurance that nobody can crack or steal your confidential files, not even governmental agencies.
Make sure that nobody can read your top secret documents, by using strong disk encryption software like east-tec SafeBit.