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Shell Integration

All east-tec InvisibleSecrets features are also available in the extended context menus from Windows Explorer (or other shell applications). To use the context menu, select some items (files and folders) and click the right mouse button.


Hide the selected files and folders. You'll have to choose a valid carrier file, specify a password, algorithm and target filename.

Hide in this carrier

Use the selected file as carrier. You'll have to add some files for hiding, specify a password, algorithm and target filename.


Unhide files from the selected carrier. You'll have to specify a destination folder (where the files will be extracted)

Unhide here

Unhide all files from the selected carrier in a new subfolder with the same name as the carrier file.


Encrypt the selected items. You'll have to enter an encryption password and algorithm.

Encrypt and send

Encrypt the selected files and attach them to an email.


Decrypt the selected files and folders. You'll have to enter the decryption password and algorithm.


Erase beyond recovery the selected files and folders. The Shredder is DoD compliant.

Add to Cryptboard

Add the selected files to the Cryptboard