Online Privacy Protection for Beginners (Basic mode)
The Basic mode will run all the pre-configured defaults. This option is recommended for most users to ensure basic offline and online privacy protection.
Start east-tec Eraser.
In the Privacy Guard box, click on the Play and a Stop Basic button.
Click the Play button.
You will see a confirmation panel that displays a list of items that are going to be erased. Click Continue if you want to start (you can disable this confirmation panel from Advanced Options).
You can see the status of the process on the screen, how much is left and when it is completed.
Online Privacy Protection for Advanced Users (Advanced mode)
The Advanced mode allows you to choose your own options for the Privacy Guard. It contains the following major components:
Start east-tec Eraser.
In the Privacy Guard box, click on the Play and a Stop Advanced button.
From this window, select the categories of Sensitive Areas that you want to wipe (for example, Browsers, Burners, Image Tools, Download Managers, Messengers, Windows, etc.). You can also double click on each category to select one or more of the items from that category.
NOTE (to be included in the second version of east-tec Eraser): You can also select Custom Sensitive Areas. These are confidential data defined by yourself. They are also grouped into categories, in the same way as other sensitive areas. Click Create New to create a new category, or double click an existing one to edit it.
You may click Advanced Options in the toolbar to view or change other options. For more details, read the Advanced Options section.
Click Start to begin the wiping process.
You will see a confirmation panel that displays a list of items that are going to be erased. Click Continue if you want to start (you can disable this confirmation panel from Advanced Options).
You can see the status of the process on the screen, how much is left and when it is completed.