"Delete" does not mean "Erase"
Today more and more people have sensitive information that they would like to protect from falling into the wrong hands. If your hard disk contains valuable corporate trade secrets, business plans, personal files or confidential letters, you must know that the delete function does not erase, wipe or overwrite the information beyond recovery.
When you delete a file, the operating system does not destroy the file contents from the disk - it only deletes some references of the file from some system tables. The file contents remain on the disk until another file happens to overwrite it. Any software recovery tool can restore the data if it hasn't been overwritten or thoroughly erased. Hardware recovery tools may even restore overwritten files by analyzing latent magnetic traces.
As a result, your confidential information may be lying unprotected on your disk (not wiped, overwritten or erased) and it is almost impossible to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
Scenario: Sensitive files on your PC
You have just decided to move some sensitive files (business plans, password files, financial reports, etc.) from your hard disk to your USB flash drive to make sure you are the only one that can access them. Moving the files to the USB flash drive means copying them and then deleting them from the hard disk. But normal deletion is not secure - it does not really erase, overwrite and wipe the information beyond recovery. The result is that the contents of your sensitive files will remain exactly where you didn't want them: on the hard disk!
The solution: Erase Files And Folders
The Erase Files And Folders feature helps you securely and permanently wipe your sensitive files beyond recovery. You can select one or more files to be erased, using a very intuitive and easy to use interface. Filters can also be applied to what files should be erased.