east-tec Eraser
Securely erase your Internet and computer activities and traces, improve your PC's performance, keep it clean and secure!
east-tec DisposeSecure
Completely erase your hard drive data from old computers that you or your company resells, donates or removes from operation.
east-tec InvisibleSecrets
Encrypt file contents, hide files and emails, and prevent unwanted people from reading your private documents!
east-tec SafeBit
Disk encryption software that helps you create encrypted virtual disk drives, where you can hide files and folders.
27 Years of Reviews & Recognition
Our products are recommended by leading security and technology media websites, magazines, networks and blogs.
Organizations that trust our products
+ DARPA, The French Ministry of Defence (DRM), EADS Astrium, La Banque Postale, Government of British Columbia
Listen To Why Michael Hawes Has Been Trusting East-Tec For Over 17 Years
Meet Michael Hawes, a writer, podcaster, and music creator, who firmly believes that using a computer without our software is one of the most irresponsible things one can do.
Stephen LaPlante: Everybody Needs east-tec Eraser On Their Computer
Be afraid - very afraid. In this age of hackers with a lot of time on their hands, your PC is a target - if they gain access, you'll wish you would have truly deleted sensitive data.